Friday, March 16, 2012

Some pictures!

Tea break stop on the way to Mahadav Beshi

 Mahadav beshi!

 Our volunteer house/mud hut  in Mahadav Beshi!

Purim at the Israeli Ambassaor's (man on the left in blue and purple) house!

                    Befriending the cows like my Omi <3 <3

Just wanted to upload some pictures to show that I'm here and making friends! We were split up into our villages this morning and I will be going to Mahadav Beshi (pronounced Madabesi), a village an hour and a half away from Kathmandu. It is a very interesting place with many different projects and places to work. A lot of agricultural work has been done there by Tevel b'Tzedek and they now have an irrigation system that allows for flourishing fields of growing cauliflower, cabbage, papaya trees, rice fields, tomatoes, potatoes. It is simply beautiful. I am with a great group of people and very happy about being placed there. When we went to visit the village for a few days last week I immediately fell in love and just knew I could see myself there. It is slightly bittersweet because not everyone I have become friends with here will be in the same village. A lot of my friends will be in another village much farther away. But I am happy that I was able to trust the good feeling I had about the place and the Nepali staff that we met and follow my intuition to make it my first choice. I will be working with the Women's Groups. The villagers in Mahadav Beshi are of the Rai people. There is also a population of migrant workers that live in extreme poverty by the river working as stone breakers. There is a lot more to write  but I need to go finish getting ready for Shabbat. I will try to write again soon! Shabbat Shalom from Kathmandu :)


  1. Following your travels, think your group has some great looking people and wish I'd done something like that at your age! Omi would certainly be proud of your attachment to the mooey cows. I once got razor burn on the neck for letting one kiss me at the local fair in Switzerland! Thomas and his friend Heinz thought I was crazy but I savored it.
    Love and kisses, Auntie M

  2. OMG! You ACTUALLY LIVED IN A MUD-HOUSE!!! Look at that room!! CP style :)
